House Rules

Please read and follow these rules.

  1. Never post personal information. When commenting, use only your initials to sign off. 
  2. Be respectful of yourself and your classmates.
  3. Use proper grammar, language, and spelling.
  4. The information on this blog is for the eyes of the teachers, students and parents only.
  5. Commenting rights will be taken away if something mean or inappropriate is posted. This is your one and only warning.
  6. Make sure to cite where you got your materials from. If you have any questions about this, ask!

Parents: I have viewed and reviewed the links posted and at that time they were appropriate. Please be aware they may have changed, I recommend checking the links before your student does. Also, I will occasionally post pictures of the class on here. If you are not ok with your student's picture being on here, please just send me an e-mail saying so. ( 

This site is copy written and all of its contents belong to Sarah Miller. 

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