Saturday, October 1, 2016

Google Classroom

I love Google Classroom. I used it even before our school became a true Google school. I post an announcement Every.Single.Day. that tells the kids what we’re doing that day, their goal (as an “I can…” statement) and their bellringer (what the should do the second they walk in the classroom.) I also attach any notes that we take, any homework that is assigned, and any additional instructional videos that may help some struggling students. The only problem I had with it was the fact that parents couldn’t access it without logging in using their student's’ information. Which leads me to: What’s New with Google Classroom! In a recent update on Classroom, Google now allows teachers to :
  1. Create a question: Students can respond to others’ answers if the teacher sets it up that way. So cool!
  2. Schedule posts: Make the announcement you want to post a week from now, schedule it, and forget it!
  3. Send automatic parent e-mails: Parents can get automatic updates
  4. Add Topics to posts: Categorize all posts

Obviously the one I am most excited about is the “sending automatic parent e-mails”! I am currently in the process of getting this set-up, but here’s what I love so far: once it’s set up, all you have to do is click “send guardians an e-mail” and it’s that easy! You can choose what to “share” with them, and they can decide how often they want to get e-mails.

I’ve also used the “Create a Question” feature in my Cheerleading Classroom page. I asked the girls what size t-shirt they needed. It was really helpful to have it done on there instead of on paper. Once a question is asked, everyone in the class gets an automatic e-mail saying that there’s something new on Classroom. This goes for everything- not just questions. My students get e-mails everyday before class letting them know what’s going on that day.

Other general reasons I love Google Classroom:

  1. Absent work has become a breeze. Students ask for specific things things they missed. They don’t have to take time to copy notes because they’re already online for them. They ask for help if they don’t understand something, but a lot of times if a video is posted they don’t need help.
  2. It helps keep me organized. Sometimes I get so off task I have to look at what we’re supposed to be doing that day to get back on track! It’s kindof like an online plan book.
  3. “I left it at school” is no longer a valid excuse for not doing homework because they have access to an online version of everything. They know they can do the work on a piece of notebook paper if they can’t print it from the website.
  4. Because Classroom keeps old posts archived, students can look back at former lessons for review

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